Friday, August 23, 2019

US Nitrogen Violated Permit

By Walter F. Roche Jr.

A Greene County chemical firm violated the terms of one of its state permits on four successive months, but only learned of the violation in August.
In a letter to officials of the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, Dylan Charles, plant manager for US Nitrogen wrote that the company's steam generator had exceeded the maximum allowable fuel consumption from April through July.
While the state permit set the maximum monthly consumption of natural gas at 380 million cubic feet per month, that amount was exceeded in each of the four months. The excesses ranged from 12 million cubic feet in April to 66 million cubic feet in July. The totals were: April- 392 million cubic feet, May -415 million cubic feet, June-425 million cubic feet and July- 446 million cubic feet.
According to Charles letter to TDEC's Michelle Owenby, the violations were not noted until Aug. 18.
The letter does not provide any explanation for why the overages occurred or why they weren't noticed until mid-August.
The steam boiler permit is one of several granted by TDEC to the Midway firm to operate an ammonium nitrate manufacturing facility.

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