Wednesday, February 6, 2019

New River Tests Show No Thallium

By Walter F. Roche Jr.

By Walter F. Roche Jr.New

New tests conducted on samples from the Nolichucky River show no traces of a chemical that can cause severe illness and even death, according to the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation.
The tests, which were conducted on samples gathered at various spots along the river, found that if any thallium was present it was below detectable levels.
The new tests appear to contradict a report filed recently with TDEC showing thallium levels some three times the levels considered safe in drinking water.
n that report the Greene County company reported that water it had discharged into the Nolichucky contained 10.3 parts per billion of thallium. The company discharge pipe is at mile marker 20.8 of the river.
The new tests included samples gathered at mile markers 20.7 and 20.9. The new results appear to coincide with annual tests conducted by the Greeneville Water Commission, which found no traces of thallium. Those tests were some 57 miles upstream of US Nitrogen
Despite the conflicting results TDEC has no immediate plans to conduct further tests.
"TDEC has no current plans to conduct additional sampling, but we will continue to monitor this issue closely," said Kim Schofinski, TDEC spokeswoman.
Officials of US Nitrogen did not respond to requests for comment on the new results
US Nitrogen pumps millions of gallons of water per year from the Nolichucky which it uses in the manufacture of ammonium nitrate.
In an email response to prior questions, Kim Ryans, a US Nitrogen environmental official, said
"US Nitrogen does not use thallium or substances containing thallium as a component of any manufacturing processes."
"The water sampled and discharged to the Nolichucky River does not come into direct contact with US Nitrogen’s processes," she added.

1 comment:

  1. US nitrogen was the one that told of thallium being in the water from their plant. Where did they get their info? Toooooooo many lies and distractions showing up with these people Their inability to start up this plant shows a lack of competent management. Tooooo many violations on issues that border on being criminal. Perhaps Cleveland should take the plant and its nasty products back up to Cleveland before a major disaster happens. With all the explosions, fires, damaged water, community health and dead animals, a responsible operation would kill the disaster before it happens. Nearly 10 years and not a reliable product to show? What will it take dead human bodies??
