Saturday, November 17, 2018

EPA Cites US Nitrogen in Consent Agreement

By Walter F. Roche Jr.

US Nitrogen LLC has signed a $20,377 consent agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for violations of federal laws designed to prevent the uncontrolled release of extremely hazardous substances.
The 11-page consent agreement also requires the Greene County chemical firm to spend at least $76,415 to provide radio and other emergency equipment to area fire departments and emergency response agencies including the Mosheim Fire Department and the Greeneville-Greene County Emergency and Rescue Squad.
The consent agreement dated Oct. 22 of this year was based on an inspection on Aug. 16, 2017. The agreement states that the purpose of the federal law being invoked is to prevent the accidental release of extremely hazardous substances."
According to the agreement the inspection showed the amount of ammonia produced at the Midway facility exceeds the applicable limit threshold of 10,000 pounds. The EPA found that the company had 2.4 million pounds of ammonia in on-site storage.
"The accidental release prevention program lacked documentation and did not contain steps to avoid a deviation," the agreement states.
"At the time of the inspection there was no documentation that the recommendations from the May or October process hazard analysis were addressed," the document states, noting there were 110 recommendations for the ammonia plant and seven recommendations for the ammonia storage and loading operation.
In addition US Nitrogen failed to compile written process safety information for the technology of the process which includes an evaluation of the consequences of a deviation."
The inspection found that a relief valve was positioned downward when it was "supposed to be upward and unobstructed to the atmosphere."
The company "failed to document that equipment complies with recognized and generally accepted good engineering practices as required by law."
The agreement sets deadlines for US Nitrogen to take remedial action and states that additional financial penalties will be imposed if the deadlines are not met.
The company has a 45 day deadline to comply with the provision requiring emergency equipment be supplied to area fire departments and rescue agencies.
Former US Nitrogen Plant Manager Andrew Velo signed the agreement for the company.

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