Friday, September 7, 2018

US Nitrogen Seeks Eased Permit

By Walter F. Roche Jr.

US Nitrogen is asking Tennessee regulators to eliminate a provision in one of its permits setting a limit on the emission of so-called greenhouse gases.
In a two-page letter to the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, Andrew Velo cited a U.S. Supreme Court ruling and a subsequent advisory from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as justification for the request.
In the letter to Michelle Owenby, a TDEC manager, Velo wrote that while the greenhouse gas limits were included in the original permit and remained even after another amendment was approved by TDEC, the court ruling along with EPA guidance changed the requirements.
The prior amendment to the conditional major operating permit was approved in July of last year.
"At that time, however," Velo continued, "the GHG (Greenhouse Gas) emission limits included in the original PSD (Prevention of Significant Deterioration)construction permits remained in the minor source construction permits."
He concluded by requesting that the "greenhouse gas emission limits not be included in the conditional major operating permit."
The request from the Greene County chemical comes as TDEC is considering what if any penalty to impose due to violations of other permit conditions.

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