Wednesday, December 13, 2017

US Nitrogen Seeks Emissions Easement

By Walter F. Roche Jr.

For the second time in less than a week, US Nitrogen, a Midway, Tenn. chemical company, is asking Tennessee environmental for an easement, this time in the allowable level of visible emissions from its nitric acid plant.
In a two-page letter to Michelle Owenby, a director at the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, US Nitrogen's plant manager Andrew Velo said the excess emission "are necessary or unavoidable due to routine startup and shutdown conditions at our nitric acid plant."
The request comes just five days after the company asked for an extension on yet another state permit related to a carbon dioxide liquefaction operation on the site.
In his letter dated Dec. 11, Velo cited more than a year's worth of observations of startups and shutdowns conducted in conjunction with TDEC officials.
"In addition we have made numerous process and equipment changes during that time to reduce the opacity of emissions during startups and there has been considerable improvement," Velo wrote, adding that the company has succeeded in reducing by 20 percent the length of time that emissions are exceeded during startups.
Velo cited similar easements granted previously by the state to Eastman Chemical and the Tennessee Valley Authority.
He also cited a provision in state regulations allowing for limits to be exceeded during periods of startup, shutdown or malfunction.
"Therefore it seems the intent of the above referenced sub-part should be applicable and allow for opacity during startups, shutdowns and malfunctions," Velo concluded.
Are residents have registered frequent complaints about emissions from the ammonium nitrate manufacturing facility, but TDEC officials have thus far labeled the complaints unfounded
US Nitrogen officials did not respond to a request for comment.

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